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  • Earth-system modelling data from the UK-Japan Climate Collaboration (UJCC). The project is a joint project between the Hadley Centre (DEFRA) and the NCAS-CGAM (Centre for Global Atmospheric Modelling) at the University of Reading. UJCC makes use of a broad group of models in order to systematically explore the role and value of resolution in climate system research. The dataset comprises of UJCC 30 year simulations from models at resolutions of either (1.25 lat x 1.875 lon) or (0.83 lat x 1.25 lon) with differing degrees of atmosphere-ocean coupling (1 degree ocean or 1/3 degree ocean). The dataset also includes NUGAM (Nihon-UK Global Environmental Model) Atmosphere only simulations and NUGEM Coupled atmosphere and ocean simulations which are both at the same resolution (0.83 lat x 0.56 lon, corresponding to ~60 km in mid-latitudes).